a follow-up project of the



with support from

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
U.S. Geological Survey
USDA Forest Service
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


ReportDatabase of StandardsCoastal LegislationCommissions NewsRNRF Congress

The coasts are a vital ecological and economic resource. Yet, as reported by both the Pew Oceans Commission and the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, the nation's oceans and coasts are in need of serious attention. While the effects of coastal resource problems are most dramatic along the coasts, the causes can develop far inland. Building capacity to address these issues at all levels--from local communities (both coastal and inland) to federal agencies--is critical to finding and implementing solutions.

Resolving marine and coastal resource issues requires a multidisciplinary look at the causes and solutions. Therefore, RNRF convened a national "Congress on Building Capacity for Coastal Solutions." The Congress brought together more than 80 scientists, managers, and professionals, from 65 organizations, to consider findings and recommendations, and to identify other high priority activities for early action. Specific goals of the congress were to consider findings and recommendations of the oceans commissions, and to identify high priority activities for early action.

This website was developed in response to the many excellent findings and recommendations of the Congress delegates. Information on the tools available at this website appears below. To view the webpage for the 2004 Congress on Building Capacity for Coastal Solutions, click here.

Final Report of Findings and Recommendations A final report of findings and recommendation of the congress delegates was released in early 2005. A summary of key findings and recommendations is available as a PowerPoint presentation or PDF. A PowerPoint presentation or PDF on the congress's case study, Lessons Learned from the Gulf of Maine, is also available.
Ocean and Coastal Bills Introduced in Congress Following release of the Pew and U.S. Oceans Commissions' reports, numerous bills were introduced in the U.S. House and Senate. RNRF has compiled a listing of ocean and coastal bills introduced in the 109th Congress. Information from past U.S. congresses also is available.
Database of Key Activities in Data Standards One recommendation of the congress was the need to develop standards to allow for easy integration and sharing of data from a variety of sources. Such efforts already are underway. However, delegates made the following recommendation: "To avoid duplication of existing efforts, a dynamic database of key activities underway in data standards, inventories, classifications, and frameworks should be implemented." RNRF is undertaking the preparation of such a database. Information about the Database of Key Activities in Data Standards is available here.
Bibliography of Background Materials In advance of the congress, delegates were provided with a notebook of background materials. These materials featured reports and information items from federal and state agencies and recognized authors and organizations on topics to be discussed at the congress. Many delegates commented on the usefulness of the information and the fact that it had not previously been assembled in a cohesive manner. A bibliography of these items along with internet sites (where available) is available here.
Commissions News Both the Pew Oceans Commission and the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy completed their formal duties by late 2004. However, commissioners from both groups vowed to continue their efforts on behalf of the oceans. To that end, they have formed the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative. The initiative has issued several calls for increased attention to our oceans and coasts. Below are links to their most recent efforts.
Details from RNRF Congress RNRF's Congress on Building Capacity for Coastal Solutions was presented at American Geophysical Union Headquarters, in Washington, D.C., December 6-7, 2004. Details on the Congress, including the program, presentations, delegate affiliations, the program committee, and photographs are available below.


Both the Pew Oceans Commission and the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy completed their formal duties by late 2004. However, commissioners from both groups vowed to continue their efforts on behalf of the oceans. To that end, they have formed the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative. The initiative has issued several calls for increased attention to our oceans and coasts. Below are links to their most recent efforts. [Last Updated 03/28/07.]

U.S. Gets C- on Ocean Policy Reform, According to the Report Card Released by the Joint Commission [01/30/07]

Fisheries Bill Will Enhance Ocean and Fishing Industry Health [12/09/06]

Commission Commends West Coast Governors' Agreement on Ocean Health [09/18/06]

Commission Prepares National Ocean Action Plan in Response to Senate Request [06/13/06]

Joint Commission Issues Statement on President's FY2007 Budget [02/13/06]

U.S. Gets D+ on Ocean Policy Reform, Bi-partisan Report Card Shows Little Progress [02/03/06]

One Year After Bush U.S. Ocean Action Plan, Accelerated Action on Ocean Reform and Increased Federal Investment Necessary [12/19/05]

One Year After U.S. Commission Report, Hurricane Katrina Demonstrates Impact of Oceans and Coasts on Economy [09/22/05]

U.S. Must Join Law of the Sea: Letter Urges Senate to Take Action [08/31/05]